Mark "The Beast" Labbett

How do you describe Mark Labbett? Imagine the love child of Stephen Hawking and Hagrid from Harry Potter and you’ll end up with a 6 foot 6 man-mountain of maths that terrorizes Chase contestants for fun. He’s one of the original Chasers in the UK and has appeared on well over 100 episodes of the show.
Mark’s mighty brain is so huge that it took not one but THREE internationally renowned centers of learning to keep him occupied…he has degrees from Oxford, Exeter and Glamorgan universities. He’s also a qualified mathematics teacher but these days works as a professional quizzer, spending his days cramming more and more facts into his phenomenal cerebellum. When he’s not studying for quizzes, he says he watches far too much sport, especially US sports and reckons he knows the nickname of every College football team in the States. Of course, he could be bluffing…but who’s going to call him out?
Once described as having the brain of Einstein and the body of Frankenstein, here’s an interesting fact…Mark’s Chaser nickname is particularly apt because his surname is the French for ‘The Beast’. La Bete – Labbett. You might not have known that fascinating fact but you can bet your boots that Mark did!
Mark is also a newlywed as of October 2014. He and his wife, Katie currently reside in the UK when The Beast isn’t busy demolishing his US adversaries.